Codziennie rano czytam wiadomości ze świata,
Stanów i Polski (Warsaw Voice). Czasami boję się tego, bo świat wariuje coraz
bardziej i staje się mroczniejszy z każdym dniem. Poczynając od rakiet w Izraelu
i w Strefie Gazy, poprzez wybory w "UN" i pozbawione sensu morderstwa i
samobójstwa, a kończąc na orzeczeniach sądu uderzających w małżeństwo i rodzinę
– wiadomości bywają przytłaczające.
Proszę, dołączcie do nas w modlitwie, by cudowna
obecność Jezusa wypełniła polskie kościoły, domy, szkoły i ulice; by Jego
światło promieniowało z serc ludzi, którzy Go kochają i odzwierciedlają Jego
charakter; by wszelkie rodzaje ciemności pierzchły. Niech rozbłyśnie jasność nad
tymi w Polsce, którzy siedzą w krainie i cieniu śmierci. O, Boże, niech zaświeci
Twoja światłość!
Every morning I read the world news, U.S. national news, and
news from Poland (Warsaw Voice). Some mornings I am afraid to read for the
world is becoming crazier and darker all the time. From rockets in Israel/Gaza,
to votes in the UN, to senseless murder/suicides, to court rulings against
marriage and the family ... the news can be overwhelming.
But that's why I love this time of year. This Saturday evening (Dec. 8) is the first night of the Festival of Lights (Chanukah) -- the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22 ). Each night as the candles are lit it is a reminder that Light conquers the darkness. God is faithful to His people, and as we dedicate ourselves to Him, He fights our battles and His truth reigns victorious. "The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned." (Matt. 4:16) The Light of the world, the only One who is the way, truth, and life, has come and in His presence, darkness flees.
Please join us as we pray that the glorious presence of Jesus will fill the churches, the homes, the schools, the streets of Poland -- that His light will shine forth from the hearts of men and women who love Him and reflect His character -- and that all forms of darkness will flee. May the Light dawn over all those in Poland who sit in the region and shadow of death! O God, shine forth Your light!!
But that's why I love this time of year. This Saturday evening (Dec. 8) is the first night of the Festival of Lights (Chanukah) -- the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22 ). Each night as the candles are lit it is a reminder that Light conquers the darkness. God is faithful to His people, and as we dedicate ourselves to Him, He fights our battles and His truth reigns victorious. "The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned." (Matt. 4:16) The Light of the world, the only One who is the way, truth, and life, has come and in His presence, darkness flees.
Please join us as we pray that the glorious presence of Jesus will fill the churches, the homes, the schools, the streets of Poland -- that His light will shine forth from the hearts of men and women who love Him and reflect His character -- and that all forms of darkness will flee. May the Light dawn over all those in Poland who sit in the region and shadow of death! O God, shine forth Your light!!
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