Dziękujemy Bogu za każdego z Was. Jesteśmy bardzo wdzięczni, że zarówno jako Polacy, jak i Amerykanie, jesteśmy współobywatelami Bożego Królestwa. Życzymy Wam błogosławionych świąt Bożego Narodzenia, kiedy to będziemy świętować narodziny naszego Króla!
We send you warm greetings during the holiday season. It is amazing to consider that the God of the universe and King of the nations humbled himself and was born as a babe in a humble stable. He is the Servant/King whom we love and serve. As we gather with family and friends, let us pray that He will be the centerpiece of our celebration. May those we love see His glory and bow in worship before Him.
We thank God for each of you. We are so thankful that as Poles and Americans we are fellow-citizens in God's kingdom. May you have a blessed Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our King!
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